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신분류법(2008년) 버섯나라/점균

점균류 Photo Gallery of Myxomycetes

by 우산돌이 2010. 12. 3.
자연계에 존재하는 200여만종의 생물종 균류는 9만여종이며 그중 진점균류(眞粘菌類 Myxomycetes/true slime molds)는 53속(屬) 500여 종(種)이 보고되어 있으며, 포자낭의 유무에 따라 외생포자아강(外生胞子亞岡 Exosporeae)과 내생포자아강(Endosporese)으로 나뉜다.

 끊임없이 변하는 액체상태의 변형체가 정교한 자실체로 변하는 과정은 점균류의 큰 특징이다.


외국 사이트에 올려 있는 점균류의 사진이다.






Photo Gallery of Myxomycetes





The Georgia Museum of Natural History and the Julian H. Miller Mycological Herbarium are pleased to present this gallery of photographs of slime molds (Myxomycetes) by professional photographer Ray Simons. Ray became interested in collecting and photographing these tiny fungus-like organisms while employed as a photographer at the Fernbank Science Center in Atlanta, Georgia. His photographs have appeared in numerous magazines, as well as in scientific textbooks and an encyclopedia, and he has exhibited them at Photo Expositions in various cities. He continued his interest in the slime molds later as a Scientific-Technical Photographer for the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta. Ray, now retired, resides in Lithonia, Georgia.

The following collection of photographs may be viewed either by clicking on individual thumbnails, or by going to the first photo and then scrolling through them by means of the scroll button on the right side of the screen. The photos may be enlarged by clicking on them.






All photography in this section copyright � Ray Simons.

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